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May 10, 2015


A bit different(again) as I have a new device I'm trying!

Page ten of Team Attack 1-2.

May 3, 2015

Tumblin' Tumblr

It's Rhyme Time!

I forgot the tumble weed, but hopefully this joke doesn't deserve one...

Page nine of Team Attack 1-2.

April 19, 2015

High Ping Rate

If your happy and you know it...

Page eight of Team Attack 1-2.

April 19, 2015

Too many puns to choose from...

Should always look before you lean!

Page seven of Team Attack 1-2.

April 12, 2015

This is getting racy.

When they got another 'buggy' at the store, they numbered the keys and carts,
then someone noticed it made them look like...

Page six of Team Attack 1-2.

April 5, 2015

Tasty enough to lay on?

Another real life inspired comic!

Page five of Team Attack 1-2.

March 29, 2015


It's another character introduction!

Page four of Team Attack 1-2.

March 22, 2015

Pot O' Holes

It's reference time! Can you guess from where?

Additionally, this is also based on that there actually was cars getting stuck in pot holes.
That isn't the reference I was referring to, though. That is from fiction.

Next, page three of Team Attack 1-2.

March 15, 2015

SUM 2-4 and TA p.2

It would just happen that way...

...and now we get to see Terri!

March 8, 2015

SUM 2-3 and TA p.1

A introduction of Wade's "new" car...

...and some of the members from Team Attack.

March 2, 2015

Team Attack #2 is finally done!

It has been done for a little now, actually, I was just doing some contemplating about what to do.
I've decided that, instead of making an entire book before releasing any of it, I will take the experience from my SuperUltraMega comic and turn it into a weekly 'comic' strip. This will start with the current book, being shared one page at a time.
Speaking of it, I tried some experimenting with it again, hence it being in grey scale. I was hoping it would greatly speed up the process, but only did mildly. I learned from it, though, and will just stick to the style and process I already know and enjoy.
There is one more thing I want to experiment; the ability to 'hire' the characters from Team Attack. Essentially, if another artist needs temporary characters for a story, we could collaborate together, so they could use my characters in their story. What do you think? There is more information about it on the Team Attack page.
Anyways, I am working on writing the next story, of which there has already been a sneek peak at.

March 1, 2015
Cold enough for...

...a living snowman, a walking snow drift, and a human icicle.

February 22, 2015

Back to the regular comics!
Let's see how Wade's commute is going...

February 15, 2015

She is a crafty gal!

February 9, 2015

While working on the next Team Attack, I decided to take a little break and
make this little preview of another story I will be working on.

February 8, 2015

So into health, it sometimes makes him go a little fruity, even bananas!

January 25, 2015

Here's a tough one for you!

January 25, 2015

You've seen him once and here he is again!

January 18, 2015

Here is the next intro of another character seen before!
I also uploaded an updated one for Wade!

January 11, 2015
Let's try this again...
Ok, I was going to introduce the characters last week, but that did not go as planned. I was having trouble with them, as I did not feel comfortable with some of the ideas I had for the characters. To fix that, I borrowed ideas from characters that I am already comfortable with: the ones from Team Attack! Now, they are not 'carbon copies', but there is a few familiarities. I also took a few insperations from myself and my family.

Without further delay, here is the re-introduction of
Wade Wayne Walters!!

Also, I finaly got around to updating the Automotive page.

January 1, 2015
It's SuperUltraMega's one year anniversary!

Hope you all had a great year and best prayers for another great year!

Please note that I have some big changes planned for SuperUltraMega
and Team Attack in the new year...